12 November, 2012

Japanese toilet paper answer

You're all hanging out for the answer to my toilet paper question, right? Actually Anthony isn't, he guessed correctly.

Don't feel badly, even though I read sufficient Japanese to know the difference between these two types of toilet paper, it took a long time (years) for the penny to drop about why the lower one had a W on it.

They are, simply, "Single ply" and "Double ply".

S obviously equals Single.

The W is a little more complex. The word written on the packet is a Japanised "Double", it turns out like this (phonetically): dabooroo. If you say that quickly, it sounds a bit like "W", don't you think? At least that is my reasoning.

I hope you didn't waste too much time pondering it, although I did hear that someone spent an hour researching Japanese toilet paper . . .


Karen said...

I'm too late for the guessing comp, but I did find it a bit amusing that the brand name is an orchid :) Cattleya toilet paper sounds most luxurious....

Deb said...

So disappointed there was not wasabi involved.

Jamie Jo said...

Dabooroo- that's hilarious! I love it.