01 February, 2012


I bought something today I'd never thought about buying before. Dumbbells. 

As a result of the wrestling season finishing on Saturday, our 12 y.o. has decided to make it his goal to continue to work on his strength and fitness. He wanted dumbbells, 2 kg ones. So today my youngest (who was still home from school due to Grade 1 closing, see yesterday's post) and I trooped off to the closest shop we knew would have them. I think I exhausted myself just carrying them back up the stairs to the car (three floors); obviously I need to get back to the gym regularly again.

Our eldest came home earlier from school than usual — straight after school finished — because he had no sports training and all his friends either went home exhausted (basketballers who have before school training) or had practice for the middle school play (Aladdin, which is on next week). He was very happy to find we'd bought these dumbbells for him, not so happy that I said it was his expense and he now owed me 1,995 yen (a bit over AU$20). He then spent at least half an hour working out in the lounge room. I hope he keeps it up, despite having no coaches watching over him.

But dumbbells? I guess I have boys. Keep forgetting that. They aren't into clothes shopping, sitting in coffee shops or admiring the view. But a chance to get sweaty, to build muscle, to merely move—yes, they're into that.

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